Frockstar Rants & Raves!

Rant #2 Rain it in...please?

I've always wished that I could be one of those humans who don't give the lashings of rain a second thought as they slide into their trainers and their work out gear. Stretchy tops and pants that are scientifically manipulated so that their temperature prances along at a comfortable level as they peg it through the city, drenched locks flying out behind them, eyeballs fogging up like glass lenses; splashing poor old grannies as they pound the puddles, much like how my car drenches the runners. Sozzlers for that if you're a victim. In fact sozzlers on behalf of all drivers, sometimes we don't see you. Sometimes we do.

Recently I have heard of a pre-school in Scotland that is conducted entirely outdoors. Meaning, the kids, the little ones, arrive early in the morning for their day and come rain hail or shine, will conduct all of their activities outside, sometimes in the forest for some shelter. Perhaps if the hail is actually like tiny white spherical weapons, they may take shelter in a hut, but generally, these kids live outside during their school days. The requirement is the right gear of course to insulate their little bodies so they are totally prepared for and resilient against any weather.

I wonder if I went to a school like that would I be less likely to cower at the windowsill peering indignantly out at the rain we're having right now? Less likely to write off a day of activities for fear of my outfit and hair being destroyed and ending up looking like a frizz monster circa 2000 (before GHDs)? Who knows... but right now, as I peer out the window covered in droplets, I fight off the urge to roll up into a ball and hibernate like the hamsters I had as a kid. That we thought died one day. They were actually hibernating. They got a ceremonious funeral. Oh dear.

Well, if I can't suck it up and go dancing in the rain, a pair of red Hunter wellies and this polkadot umbrella as featured in Vogue will keep me happy and dry!
Here are some red and black themed fashion forward rain embracers:

Til next time


Rant #1

Sex sells. 

What exactly? Dignity? Pride? 
I'm just gona say it. I'm definitely no prude, but I, as a (relatively) young female in the 21st century, am growing tired of seeing Rihanna rippling her bare bum up at the screen, and Miley shoving hers into unsuspecting males as they go about their business. I mean come on girls! Complete abandonment of greater meaning and potential for you and your music? Is this what years of women fighting for independence, respect and equal rights has led us to? I suspect that some people think that it IS an expression of independence to do exactly as they please with their bodies and on some level I agree with that. I am also a huge supporter of freedom of expression and of the creation of art. But let it be for something with meaning, let there be a reason, a depth, a cause, a belief, a concept, a passion. But sex just for sex's sake? I'm bored already. There is no shortage of over-sexualised material on the internet and on our TV screens, but these ladies are musicians. Not strippers...musicians. As a friend pointed out, a lot of strippers hate their jobs, but have found themselves in that position, struggling to make ends meet for their kid at home and the bills they have to pay. Rihanna, a millionaire, in her latest video, Pour It Up, bounces provocatively on her throne, bare legs spreadeagled surrounded by strippers while putting money in her mouth. Euww. Hell knows where that's been. Perhaps in a real strippers thong. Sigh.
I digress...

I'm under no illusion that the music industry bosses are only too thrilled to utilise these women's eagerness to bare all, as Sinead O'Connor rightly pointed out.
Don't get me wrong here, I don't have a problem with nakedness, some of the most beautiful fashion shoots are those that capture the female form, like how Peter Lindbergh captured  Cara Delevigne back in April of this year (see below). But in my opinion they are shot tastefully, yes sexy but also portraying sophistication. After looking at fashion shots like this, I always feel inspired. After looking at the Miley Cyrus 'hotel shots', I feel unclean, and I furiously wish I could unsee things. 

As I look at the soul-less look in Miley's eyes (of course that might have been the joint), it leaves me wondering where we go from here. Because, whether I or anyone else likes it or not sex sells. It has done for a hundred years since the dawn of advertising.
Miley Cyrus and her Wrecking Ball video generated almost 20 million views in 24 hours. More attention means more revenue for record label bosses leaving those musicians who are relying on primarily just their music to capture investment and secure their future trailing very far off in the distance as unattractive candidates for majors to support. 200,000 views you say? Pah. Take your top off and we'll talk.

Here's to a revolution:

Check out Peter Lindbergh's shoot with Cara Delevigne:

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