Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Scent of a Man

Happy Thursday Frockstars!

I happened upon a very interesting article from Susan Irvine for Vogue's beauty section discussing the science behind men's fragrance and the impact it has on women and women's perceptions, unconscious or otherwise. But interestingly it leads to a recognition that the "rise of the gay aesthetic" signals a gender revolution where men are embracing fashion and scents for their own sake instead of just to attract a flock of females, much like in the 1920's when Chanel embraced the masculine in the creating of the new female self.

"what we are seeing is the continuing evolution of French chic that began with Chanel"  Frédéric Malle
Even Lynx are moving away from having the attraction of females be a focal point in their adverts and simply focusing on the guys themselves.
The rise of the female fashion industry was a mark of independence and strength for a gender that at the time was otherwise marginalised. Perhaps a similar rising is happening now for gay men?
Frockstar salutes the revolution!!!

What do you guys think? Do you have a favourite scent that gets you hooked every time even on strangers?

You can read the full article here:

Til next time


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