Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it...

Well good evening Frockstars!

This is it, my very first blog and my very first post. I'm not gona lie...I'm actually a wee bit nervous ('wee' being the operative word...too much?) The title of the post was just to exude an element of bravado and disguise the niggle that I'm publishing my innermost thoughts with the world (yes I am ambitious about my international reach).

For the gigantic mostpart though I am SUPER excited to start promoting and reviewing some of my favourite new music and featuring my favourite rock looks in fashion from around the world. I'll have a special focus on Irish music and on edgy looks that our very own musicians are rocking on the streets and the stage because well, we should look after our own, riiiight? Sometimes I'm going to break into excitable rants because I believe in whatever it is, or because it triggers a passion. Bear with me, it'll be worth it :)

The rock look in fashion and styling never fails to get my heart racing. There is simply just something about it. It's something to do with what it symbolizes, all the studs, black leather, black kohl, big lashes, big hair, or reckless hair, biker flair, it all screams rebellion. It screams non-conformity, 'cool' in its truest, original sense. It triggers something primal in me. Rarr.

And what goes perfectly with a leather jacket and bardot-esque kohl-lined eyes? Why killer music of course. I'm talking music that gets the people going ("it's provocative"thanks Will Ferrell). Music that challenges us, that rocks us, that makes us cry, that gets our attention, that makes us think. Music that makes our spines tingle, that makes us feel like we've made a new friend when we hear it. What you won't find here is music that is being churned out from the hit maker factory. I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of my ears being assaulted by generic solid state, brick wall and structurally cloned tracks.
This blog, my deadly little frockstars, is for those of you who rock the shit out of it, and do it with style.

Til next time


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Frockstar's Fav Classic Music