Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday Catwalk...

Greetings Frockstars!

Sunday saw me take to the catwalk for the Peter Mark Colour Trophy Awards in the old Burlington Hotel (now Doubletree I believe)! My lovely and very talented hairstylist (below) Lisa Hollingsworth and Carla (not in frame) tended to my locks all day. My dress is a stunning creation by the wonderful Irish designer Claire Garvey and make-up was by Lyndsey Kavanagh.

I always get a kick out of being around creative people, I think I feed off them, ingesting their dynamic and sparkling energy and transforming it into something that inspires me for my own life.
That kinda makes me sound like a parasite. 
Em… I don't feed off them until they have nothing left and are a shrivelled up version of their former selves, just until we have a nice balanced connected relationship and both parties feel full of enthusiasm and positivity (and still fully inflated) ;)

Stay classy 


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