Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lana Del Rey - Beauty & the Beastly Critics

"Whatever you choose to be your reality is 

your reality.”

Lana Del Rey photographed by Geordie Wood

Hey Frockstars

I just read an amazingly well written article about Lana Del Rey by Duncan Cooper for Fader Magazine. It has touched on a few bug bears of mine, some of which were bubbling underneath my consciousness until now, namely, the public and media creation of a story contradicting the facts purely because they are uncomfortable with vulnerable truth, and this growing acceptance and tolerance of toxic individuals polluting the comments section on the internet.

Cooper interviewed Lana Del Rey in a beautifully honest and respectful way, portraying her inner world through her own deeply thought-provoking beliefs about herself and her position in the music industry. Incorporating his own interpretations of his interview with Lana, he has taken a lead in countering one particularly established public judgement of her. She has long since been the victim of critics' wrath against a 'contrived image' and a 'carefully constructed persona', and something occurred to me reading this article that really got me thinking.

She is possibly one of the very few artists who exists in modern day pop culture, who I feel, is genuinely portraying how she actually is at any given time. There's no effected sheen of perfection, there's no 'living the dream' chatter from her, there are no declarations of what a wonderful life she has, no forced effort to appear to have an opinion on everything and everyone simply because she's in the public eye and it's what's automatically expected. There are no defences. She has since been attacked by for her reluctance to comment on feminism in Cooper's interview, making fun of her for saying she would rather think about intergalactic possibilities. So what? She's entitled to find that more interesting. It does not mean that she doesn't appreciate what has gone before her in the name of women's rights. They conveniently chose not to comment on the fact that she later states her idea of a feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants. Can you spot the irony there

Photo: Geordie Wood

She has been criticised for being a large giant fake with a dangerous persona that comes across as deeply troubled with insecure attachments and morbid fantasies about relationships? Maybe she IS deeply troubled with insecure attachments and is just being honest and vulnerable about it instead of hiding it behind the industrial sized polish that gets applied to other artists. Maybe we can learn from her truthfulness. But the public response to her insecurity? Set the dogs on her. When did we become such a vicious and cruel society? The rotten irony is, hidden behind the anonymity of our own online personas, or our positions of power, we cast judgements and take our own spite and personal insecurities out on others and swear blind that it's just the facts we're spouting. Hiding behind the old adage of "Oh I'm just being honest" or "I'm entitled to my own opinion!" To those who are posting destructive and unnecessarily negative comments, quit it. Stop forcing your toxic thoughts and opinions on others. It's verbal rape. Go get some therapy.

Just because she is a star does not mean she doesn't feel harsh words. She probably feels them more. Just because she has money, does not mean it will save her life when she can't stomach the final abusive comment under the next interview she does.
Lana Del Rey is a vulnerable character with several realities. Apart from the super strong characters out there that know who they are and what they want and how to get it (I salute you), I would hazard a guess that there is a large percentage who are drifting. A large amount who are floating through the potential of their own constructed realities, trying some on, and leaving some behind. Or stuck in one particular reality not knowing how they arrived there, or worse still, not knowing how to leave. That is real life. That is the life that some critics don't care to write about, and if it's presented to them, they label it a fake.

Life purpose and life direction can be elusive constructs that we search for and crave throughout our lives. The best we can do is try to pin one down at a time and chase it to the best of our ability. But not so much that it breaks us on the inside. Nothing is worth that. Go and create your next reality. One that nourishes your heart and your soul.

So really what I'm trying to say is, can we turn down the judgement knob a little please? Or a lot? Some people are lost and floating on the inside whether they look like that from the outside or not. Superstars and regular folks alike. Lana comes across as a deeply philosophical and beautiful creature who genuinely needs some support on this journey she is on. Who doesn't? There is art in pain, but there is pain in art. Cut her, yourselves and everyone else some slack. We're all just trying to feel like we belong.

 Photo: Geordie Wood

Read Duncan Cooper's Article on Lana Del Rey here:

Thanks a million to Geordie Wood for his permission to reproduce his fab photos of Lana.
Check out his work here


Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hey Frockstars!

I have been slightly awol recently and the reason is because I've started writing for some publications other than my beloved Frockstar :)
One of these includes a British publication called DRAFTED Magazine. A perk is that I now get sent lots of goodies to try, ranging from beauty products to hair baths (seriously), as well as getting to chat to  some very nice actors, musicians and designer peeps - the creative folk whose journeys I absolutely love hearing about, out of plain interest, but also because it helps me with my own creative journey.

I'm going to try to tie Frockstar in a little too, so you get the heads up on any new products or events that are happening and changing the face of fashion and beauty, riiiiiiiight???
I know. I know. Exciting. Contain yourselves I said.

Check out my beauty feature on a new product called Lipsense, this shit don't budge, I'm telling you.

Til next time


Sunday, April 27, 2014


Hey Frockstars!

Now we know that at times it seems like there is a list or an article about every single thought, feeling or action we have, a motto or guide for advising us how to more effectively slice a mushroom or pose without double chinning yourself, to enthusiastic well-meaning pressure that you absolutely MUST see these 50 incredible places in the world before you DIE. Some are genuinely interesting but at the same time it can get a bit exhausting reading all of these instruction guides for our lives. What do we really think ourselves? What our own intuition is telling us about our own development is more important than what someone else's experience might lead you believe about yourself.

BUT… in saying all that, we did come across one list that stands a little higher above the rest in terms of the quality of advice and potential for genuine positive impact...
Marc and Angel are the authors of 1000 Little Things Successful People Do Differently. They have put together a list of 30 things to start doing in your life, and we think it really is a brilliant, healthy, positive and productive list. Click below and have a read to kick off your Monday with renewed vigour.
DO it. DO it I said.

30 Things To Start Doing In Your Life

Love Frockstar

Friday, April 25, 2014


This week our Frockstar heart goes to:
 Twisted Dolly!

Every now and then we come across a fashion shoot or editorial that enchants us and tempts our widening eyes over every inch of colour, light, style, angle, line, fabric, expression and emotion that is expressed within it.

And every so often, the combination of a team's creative talent absolutely nails the concept, and the result is stunning. Whether intended or not, when a shoot evokes something in the viewer, when it triggers a thought, a feeling or an emotion, whether it's fleeting or more profound, it embodies the wordless importance and beauty of art in all of its dimensions.

Already a massive fan of the exquisitely talented Irish Fashion Designer Claire Garvey, we're always excited to see what she creates next. At a first look, we mused over the possibility that she had started making clothes for dolls, and further mused about how on this bloody earth she incorporated such beautiful and proportionate detail on such tiny dresses. We must emphasise that this thought process was short (mainly so we don't sound stoopid).
On closer inspection we could see that they were in fact human, with a wide-eyed doll edit in places, and grew even more fascinated.

The intricate detail and style of the dresses and the lines of the shot fill your visual field and pull you into a trance. The image of perfection in the fairy-tale hair, the dream-like dresses, the colours, the faces and the flawless make-up in some shots are contrasted then by two slightly darker and more sinister images. What struck us was a visual portrayal of an internal struggle perhaps between the outward appearance of perfection and love, and the inward build up of rage and frustration against such limits and expectations. A beautiful depiction of reality through life imitating art imitating life. Yeh you heard.

Check out Twisted Dolly below and the talented team who created it:

Models: Anca Condrache and Adam Gaffney
Make up: Deborah Bux and Anca
Hair: Raissa Gilligan
Designer: Claire Garvey.
Photographer: Tiara Rad from
Concept: Adam Gaffney


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Irish Music Gets A Platform To Shine

Bands!!! Soloists!! Get yourselves signed onto if you haven't already!!

Frockstar was thrilled today to read of a new partnership between HMV Xtra-vision and First Music Contact who promote the Breaking Tunes initiative for new artists.

It's called Breakingstage and Irish bands will be given an opportunity to perform their new releases in the HMV flagship store on Grafton Street and in Belfast in the Donegall Arcade store. This will be a regular slot every Saturday at 1pm, kicking off on May 16th.

Band releases will be prominently on sale within HMV and they will also have an chance to sell merchandise thanks to a HMV pop up which will tag along on the First Music Contact's annual tour and showcase.

This marks a change in national recognition for contemporary artists in Ireland and comes after some controversy surrounding the Arts Council's decisions in previous years to allocate greater levels of funding to classical and traditional music projects.


Frockstar says HELL YEH


Click for full article:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fashion Nods 2014

Good Afternoon Frockstars

Time for a little look at some fashion favourites for Autumn 2014, some pre-collections as seen in London Fashion Week earlier this year and some that tickled our fancy as modelled by some of our fav celebs.

First off, we have to give a nod to the wonderful Christopher Kane who threaded a burst of romantic pale pink and sometimes neon colour through his darkly autumnal series of oversized suits and bin liner chic in his collection at LFW.
This Autumn to keep our bodies toasty, Frockstar wants this beautiful coat, retro inspired fur trimmed coat brought ferociously up to date using pale pink with a bin liner chic body. We think it's a perfect match for a fashion forward rockstar:

Kane's geometric black and white organza creation hypnotised fashion onlookers and leaves us visualising being the centre of a veritable spirograph dance at the next wedding we're invited to.
We could be our very own Mac screensaver with this little beauty:

Next up Emma Stone has dazzled at the recent run of The Amazing Spiderman 2 premiers with outfits that seem inspired by the very Man of Spiders himself, at least in the colour department. (Just to be clear, we are not suggesting she has been seen in a full head and body jumpsuit.)
Chanel has nailed a flowing combination of red and blue giving a nod to a Victorian style embellished with an eastern influence.

Rex Features

We also liked this creation by Erdem, an ornate design incorporating a layered cape style in the back. Which Spiderman is probably annoyed about, what with not having a cape 'n stuff.

Rex Features

Cameron Diaz has us oogle-eyed with this fully-armed (not with weapons other than her exceptionally toned arms) leather pencil dress. We WANT!!!

PA Photos
And just because we NEVER tire of seeing the off-duty model style since it's so damn casually leggy, deliberately shabby chic and desirable, here are Giselle and Miranda Kerr. These ex-Victoria Secret Angels give us their finest relaxed look, complete with black leather jackets, Frockstar's No.1 fashion staple:

 PA Photos

PA Photos

Frockstar salutes you!

Frockstar's Fav Classic Music