Sunday, April 27, 2014


Hey Frockstars!

Now we know that at times it seems like there is a list or an article about every single thought, feeling or action we have, a motto or guide for advising us how to more effectively slice a mushroom or pose without double chinning yourself, to enthusiastic well-meaning pressure that you absolutely MUST see these 50 incredible places in the world before you DIE. Some are genuinely interesting but at the same time it can get a bit exhausting reading all of these instruction guides for our lives. What do we really think ourselves? What our own intuition is telling us about our own development is more important than what someone else's experience might lead you believe about yourself.

BUT… in saying all that, we did come across one list that stands a little higher above the rest in terms of the quality of advice and potential for genuine positive impact...
Marc and Angel are the authors of 1000 Little Things Successful People Do Differently. They have put together a list of 30 things to start doing in your life, and we think it really is a brilliant, healthy, positive and productive list. Click below and have a read to kick off your Monday with renewed vigour.
DO it. DO it I said.

30 Things To Start Doing In Your Life

Love Frockstar

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